Thursday, October 30, 2008

VeganMoFo day #30 - Trick or Treat?

If you live in the Seattle area, consider going to the vegan meetup this Saturday, November 1st. We're eating at Kitaro, a Japanese restaurant. The meetup will also be holding a nutrition class on November 22nd.

This should really be my Halloween post because it is scary. Or is it? I saw these vegan scallops at sidecar, Seattle's vegan grocery store, so I had to buy them. To make them more appetizing, they are in a can. The scallops are very firm chunks of seitan type stuff. I fried them up in a pan, because I love to do that. They had a mild flavor and weren't that bad. I'd eat them again - I kind of have to because there is 1/2 a can left.

On a related note, somebody on a TV show was going on about snowflakes that were as brilliantly blue as a scallop's eye. When I googled it, I found out that scallops have lots of bright blue eyes. Very cool, but creepy.
They can also swim, here is some footage. I don't know if they sped up the video or not, because these were some speedy scallops.

The second scary thing is the VitaSoy Chocolate Banana soymilk that Andy found yesterday. He was all excited because he loves the combo. When I opened it, a burst of fake banana smell came out, yuck. Thankfully it tasted like real bananas and it wasn't too overpowering. I prefer mixing up my own bananas with chocolate soymilk, but I wouldn't turn this down. Judging from Andy's reaction, it will be baaaaaack!
Oh how cute! My foster greyhound, Stitches, is playing with her chipmunk toy. Wait a second, there is something odd about that chipmunk... Could sweet innocent Stitches have chewed its legs off? Luckily there is a chipmunk ER in my house. The ER also handles toy gingerbread men, toy snakes, sandals and socks.

Here are some chipmunks conspiring against Stitches.


River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

That video is so cool! I had never seen them swimming before!
Stitches is too cute with that toy hanging out of his mouth! Those chipmunks are up to no good, I'm telling you! :)

wingraclaire said...

My gosh, you have all those cats and now a dog? What a lot of cuteness around the house.... but do they let you sleep?

Bethany said...

6 cats, 1 dog, 1 foster dog. and a cat that moved to VT to live w/ my brother. He keeps trying to steal another cat from me :)

only 2 cats and both dogs are in the bedroom at night. once in a while chippy invites himslef upstairs for a kitty cat sleepover.

Anonymous said...

that video was pretty freaky! I have never scene live scallops I guess, they reminded me of little aliens.

For the Love of Guava said...

I've never been a shellfish fan but I just did some 'mock' scallops out of roasted radish rounds for some pasta I made for my momma... her favorite seafood linguine... they went over pretty well!

For the Love of Guava said...

haha... okay I just watched the video and looked at the links... I don't think I can even eat mock scallops now...

Jen Treehugger said...

Wow the Scallops are SO cool - all those eyes are a bit spookay though aren't they. Just to freak you out even more here's another photo

Stitches is adorable and he's shown them pesky Squirrels who's boss!!

I LOVED tinned fried Seitan gloop -'s yummy and makes a nice treat once in a while.

Bethany said...

the more I think about it, the more their eyes look like alien blueberries.

Jen Treehugger said...

Oh my god YES!
Yes they do....I can't stop freaking myself out by looking at that's compelling.

Anonymous said...

i recognize those chipmunks! if i'm not mistaken, they come in a set of three in a tree, right? the dogs in my care right now have those and it is their favorite toy...

Anonymous said...

oops. kn = me.

Bethany said...

yeah, those are the very same chipmunks. Kobie won't touch them, but the foster greyhound loves them. She has ripped up most of the tree part. you can buy the chipmunks singly now too.