If October is VeganMoFo, then the winter months should be VeganSnowFo. Basically it's when you're trapped at home because of bad weather and you end up blogging about vegan this and that.
My cough must be getting better because I went out in the cold and I didn't have a coughing fit. I'm betting I won't be able to pull off that feat at night. Thank you huffing medicine!
The bonus of the snow:
- Andy is forced to work from home
- The sky is clear blue and the sun is shining. I'm getting my sun fix without having to travel. In the seattle area you need this in the winter.
- The potential of snow sculptures. Maybe I can try to make a snow cat. When I was little we made a snow dragon.
- The yard looks really good
- an acutal white christmas
- you get to see cats in the snow. They don't want to go out there, but if we do, their nosiness forces them to follow. Case in point:

Faline looking grumpy.

I found this recipe in a cookbook that assembles processed foods so you can trick people into believing that you spent lots of time in the kitchen. Though I can't imagine who would be fooled. I don't own this cookbook in case you're wondering. Some of the recipes are from celebs. This is Katie Couric's Cresent Roll Ring. It was pretty good.
You can check out the link for the official recipe, but I'll include pseudo directions in case the link disappears. I wouldn't want anybody to miss out on some prefab sweetness.
top: pillsbury crescent roll dough - just 1 sheet's thickness.
middle: jam (I used raspberry)
middle: marzipan
bottom: crescent roll dough - just 1 sheet's thickness.
She somehow arranged it in a ring. I'm sure that's why her's is thicker than mine. I just made a rectangle.
bake like you would a normal crescent roll, then slather with glaze. I just used powdered sugar, lemon juice, vanilla, water.
I didn't have marzipan, so I mixed up some almond flour, powdered sugar, water and a small amount of lemon juice in the food processor. It wasn't as smooth as marizpan, but it tasted fine. I formed it into a thick plank with my hands. I'm not as dainty as Katie.
For you sickly types out there, it tastes good with tea and is a nice break from lentil soup and toast. ha ha ha. ok, that's at my own expense because I'm pratically hooked up to an IV of tea right now.
Chippy is still refusing to drink. Why drink water when your servants will fill you up with subcutaneous fluids?
I can tell that he is feeling better because he did some grooming today. Well, not exactly the type of grooming you're used to seeing a cat do.
I'm typically safe from this because my hair is too long. Plus Andy's hair greases up more overnight, so the yield is better.
Snowy pictures are so beautiful!
And who needs a bath when you have a Chippy?
My kitty is a groomer too, but she has only groomed me long hair and all. Last week she jumped up in Brandie's arms and groomed her for the first time. She is a very shy kitty. I love the snow, but hate hving to drive up the mountain to play in good snow instead of slushy stuff in the foothills.
vegansnowfo, lol! None of that here... it's been colder than normal (though not today!), but no snow yet. Haha, Chippy's grooming... Bart likes to lick human foreheads sometimes. Cats are weird. Glad Chippy is feeling better.
That crescent roll ring actually looks pretty good!
VeganSnowFo - that made me laugh!
Faline does not look impressed with all that white stuff!!
Bless them.
Have a wonderful Christmas Bethany.
My cat has only been outside in the snow once in his entire life that I recall... and I think he was even less happy than those two.
Sadly, I've not been able to enjoy our snow days. I still have to work, and get around way too early to ensure I make it there on time.
awww cute kitty pictures!!
I wish it was snowing here, white christmas would be awesome.
mm... must have crescent roll now!!!
and glad that you sickies are still keeping clean! :)
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