I tried a "new to me" tea yesterday, Numi honeybush. I don't really like it and I can't quite put my finger on the reason why. I like some of their other teas, so it's not the company. I may learn to like honeybush because I have a whole box of it and it's the only caffeine free tea in the house.
That lovely Judge just sucked down a bunch of the honeybush tea that had gone cold in my mug. Annoying because I was planning a reheat. Maybe I didn't read the label correctly and it's a new line of tea just for cats.
My foster dog was adopted. It was very depressing for me because she was a really special dog and we had bonded really quickly. I don't think it will be that way w/ every dog because I didn't get super attached to every cat that I used to foster - you know if anybody would, it would be me, the crazy cat lady.
I did learn something from working w/ the previous shelter - only foster for a shelter that is willing to let you know when your fosterling has been adopted. Otherwise your heart will crack in two from not knowing.
I was looking on petfinder last week because a friend is looking for a dog and I want him and his wife to get the dog from a shelter or rescue org. During my searches, I found a place that does goat rescue. I totally want to foster for them this spring. I hope they accept me because the goats could get hugs and kisses from me and they could make a huge snack out of those annoying alders and blackberry bushes that have taken over my back yard aka future garden.
Chippy update. He was still having issues urinating, so I brought him in to my regular vet's office today. My regular vet wasn't there, but my other favorite vet was and she found that Chippy was partially blocked by a bladder stone. My vet had found it accidentally earlier this year, but they weren't big enough to be a huge concern then. It is now, so Chippy will undergo surgery tomorrow to have them removed. This is a much better and more clear cut cure than if his blockage was one of the other typical culprits. So I've got my fingers crossed that he'll be ok. These 2 vets rock!
Enough medical Chippy talk. Fun facts are way better. He has the freakiest eyes because the pupils seem to disappear when he is in bright light.

Hope you and Chippy feel better soon. His eyes look alien in that photo!
Goat rescue sounds interesting... the only goats I've ever seen here are wild ones.
Poor chippy. hope you both are on the mend soon. and his eyes are straight out of star trek in that photo!
I hope both you and Chippy start feeling better soon! Congrats and hugs on your foster dog getting adopted--I can only imagine how depressing that can be.
Ugh, I hope you AND chippy feel better soon! We have had the neverending cold at our house too, and I'm SO over it. How much vitamin C are you taking? My ND told me to take 10g (!) a day. Holy crap, that's a lot of C.
Sorry you are still sick!!!! Good luck, and don't any of those cats cook? I think some miso soup would be nice.
Whoa... those eyes! Definitely alien-like.
And I am with you and Chippy in sickness, sistah. I caught the Plague from a coworker on black friday. Stomach virus-turn-cold from hell. I am also at the coughing up a lung stage and I cannot stand it.
I have the next two days off and plan to do absolutely nothing but sip tea and soup.
I hope you do get your goats! That would be very cool.
Possibly interesting factoid: I met a couple of executives for Numi Tea a couple years ago before it got big while I was out to dinner with my family at Lawry's (yes the prime rib place - it was in my pre-veg days). Anyway I always think of that whenever I see their tea (which incidentally is not cheap!)
Hope you and Chippy feel better soon.
Healing hugs and cuddles to you and Chippy.
I used to have Goats when I was little - they will eat absolutely anything organic in nature - that doesn't include you or your cats and dogs by the way!
*Get well Hugs* to you and Chippy! xx
Poor Miss Bethany and Chippy!! I wish I could give you guys hugs and cook you homemade soup!! I hope you both feel better real soon and I'm sorry about your foster dog being adopted... well obviously not sorry that she got adopted but sorry it's been rough for you! I keep talking about fostering...which I would love to do... but i know it's going to be really hard for me as well... looking forward to your possible new goat family members! :)
bethany, i cracked up as soon as you mentioned a toe picture!! i wanted to put one on there and my mom was like "joanna, please don't do that!!"
feel better, my friend. you sound miserable :( put some nooch on your toast. it tastes amazing.
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