Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pay It Forward

This post is long overdue. I was selected in Pay It Forward (PIF) by the lovely Guava.

What is PIF? Basically, it a really good excuse to craft up a storm and send said crafts out to 3 other bloggers. Here is the flow:

Guava handcrafts something and sends it to me within 1 year. In turn, I make some crafty crafts and send them out to 3 people within a year. Those three people then make some crafts and send them to 3 people, and so on and so on and so on...

If you're interested in participating, add a comment to this post stating that you want to play. I will randomly select 3 of you.

The only qualifications are that you have a blog and you're willing to make 3 items to send out to the people that you select for PIF. You've got a year to do it, which is nice.

Not a crafter? I think it's ok if you bend the rules a bit :). UPDATE: I think baking is a craft (especially if you're wingraclaire). And soap making is too (who wouldn't want some Alien on Toast soap?). "Crafting" covers a lot of things, so do whatever you want. It's all good in my book.

So what am I into crafting? Just about anything. Lately I've been knitting a lot. Here is an ultra simple hand towel that I'm currently working on.

I'm also working on a cable knit scarf. I recently finished my first sock which was ribbed using a cable knit consisting of 2 stitches repeated many many times.

I make a yearly cat/dog calendar named Cattywumpus.

So really, you could receive just about anything... I promise not to send the super huge evil vampire zombie clown heads that I made out of papier mache a few halloweens ago.


wingraclaire said...

Hmmmmm.... does cooking count? I'll bet I could think of something. It sounds like fun, and taking a year sounds about right too!

Bethany said...

I think cooking counts. we all have to eat, and I know you can cook :)

Sal - AlienOnToast said...

I'm not so great at the knitting etc but if homemade vegan soaps / cosmetics etc count then i'm up for it!

For the Love of Guava said...

simple?? SIMPLE?? gah... I have to stop talking to all you over talented ladies... not good for the ego...:)

Sorry, I really meant to get your PIF's out before the wedding but alas... that's why we have a year right and doesn't something about waiting make the heart grow fonder???


Jen Treehugger said...

I LOVE the Cattywumpus.

beastmomma said...

I would love to participate. I am also doing this on my blog: http://beastmomma.squarespace.com/life-from-the-belly-of-the-bea/pay-it-forward-1.html

Jen Treehugger said...

Bethany I already have three PIF's to do!!!
Wanted to leave you a comment anyway.